Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Heading to Fayetteville..

I dont know what the deal is with murdered pregnant women here in NC..and pregnant soldiers at that!,2933,371141,00.html
But I'm not heading to Fayetteville for that story..I'm heading there for this, which is equally as sad.

On May 15, 2007 there was a mysterious shooting at the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Major Larry Bauguess, a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne, was brokering a tripartite meeting between Pakistanis and Afghans to ease tension on the border in Pakistan's tribal areas. As they turned to board their helicopter he was shot and killed by a Pakistani Frontier soldier. Fox News will profile Bauguess by talking to his wife and then use this incident to explain the complexities of the Pak/Afghan border region. A GAO report from this week determined we give more money (billions) to Pakistan to fight the GWOT and in return we have got fighters spilling into Afghanistan and frontier soldiers killing our men. Dan McNeill, outgoing ISAF commander, said that assaination will stick with him and demonstrated how difficult it will be to control this region in the future.

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