Saturday, April 19, 2008


This was a sad story with a postive ending. David Fajgenbaum is an amazing person! I hope he continues to inspire!
Student helps others dealing with loss

April 19: When this college freshman's mother was diagnosed with cancer, he decided to help others by forming a support group for students dealing with the illness or loss of a loved one.

That day the weather was quite gloomy that day. While we were interviewing one of the students the sun finally peeked through the clouds. I looked up and felt like David's mom, Anne Marie was smiling upon us. I was inspired to take this photo and had it framed. Its now hangs in my dining room and reminds me how precious life can be and now matter what bad comes in your direction, something good can always come from it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh this is beautiful, Eva! I am touched by the full-circle nature of stories like this.

I am so proud of you and your work!! Keep it up.